The role of the Room Parent includes:
· Serving as a liaison from the PTO to the parent community in your child’s classroom. This may include sending out emails to the class or doing informal outreach to inform family members of upcoming school-wide events or solicit volunteers for a PTO activity.
· Maintaining a class email distribution list. This will be provided to you by either the classroom teacher or a PTO representative.
· Developing and distributing a class list that includes students’ names, parents’ names, emails and phone numbers. Using the class email list, you can invite parents to send you their contact information that can be used to develop the class list.
· Coordinating the UNITY Project, formerly known as Meet the Artists (MTA) and Reading About Diversity (RAD). It is a parent-led program in the classroom. Please see the FAQ section of the UNITY Project website under “Info for Room Parents” for info on how to support facilitating the UNITY Project.
· Coordinating any other classroom-based educational activities for which your child’s teacher may request the engagement of parent volunteers (eg. Math Centers, classroom celebrations).
· Working collaboratively with your fellow Room Parent/s. Typically, teachers ask for about 2 Room Parents. You will want to be in communication with your co-Room Parent to ensure that you know who is covering which responsibilities.
· Serving as a resource link between family members and the PTO. If and when family members have questions about PTO events and activities, you will serve as the “point person.” You may not know the answer, but you can connect them with a PTO representative or gather the information from the PTO and report back.
· Periodically communicate with the teacher/s to determine any classroom supply needs there may be (eg. Kleenex, pencils, markers) and share this information with parents, asking them to purchase items as they are able.