PTO Bylaws
Bylaws of the Tucker Parent Teacher Organization, Inc.
Milton, MA
As amended and approved by the executive board on May 1, 2018
The name of the organization shall be the “Tucker School Parent Teacher Organization, Inc.”
The mission of the Organization shall be to promote mutual understanding between the Tucker School parents/guardians and the teachers; cooperation in all work for the welfare of the children in home, school, and community, the promotion of education and the building of community interest. In this effort, we will involve parent/guardians to assist with various school activities/functions/services, provide financial assistance where needs are identified and foster a community atmosphere in order to support the mission and vision of the school and district.
Membership and Dues
1. All parent/guardians of Tucker students and all faculty/staff at Tucker School are automatically members. There are no membership dues. Members have voting privileges, one vote per household.
2. Persons shall not be denied membership to the Tucker Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, and/or disability.
3. The fiscal year begins July 1st and runs through June 30th.
Officers and Duties
1. The PTO beyond general membership will also consist of an executive board. The executive board will consist of the following officers and members: Co-President(s), Vice President(s) of Fundraising, Vice President of Communication, Vice President of Hospitality, Vice President of Diversity, Equity & Engagement, Vice President of Fifth Grade Affairs and Treasurer. The office of Co-President and all other board position may be shared with one other person. The School Principal, or his/her designee, and a school based faculty members will also be voting members of the Executive Board.
2. The duties of each officer are as follows:
· Executive Board – The Executive Board shall establish and oversee committees to conduct the work of the PTO leading to reaching its defined mission. The board will fill vacancies in any office during the academic year, and shall define the duties of any committee of the organization. The board will establish a budget, approve expenditures, establish fundraising programs, and approve by majority vote unbudgeted expenditures of no more than $100.00.
· The Co-Presidents shall preside at all general membership meetings of the Organization and of the Executive Board and, by virtue of his or her office shall be a member of all committees. Co-Presidents serve as the official representative of the PTO, and retain all official records of the PTO. The Co-Presidents shall oversee the Executive Board nomination process and School Site Council elections, and coordinate communication between the PTO and Tucker families. The Co-Presidents will assist in communication efforts and have administrative access to social media outlets and PTO website. The PTO will collaborate with the school principal throughout the academic year.
· The VP of Fundraising shall be in charge of researching, implementing and coordinating all fundraising efforts. In collaboration with the treasurer the VP of Fundraising will identify fundraising targets and collaborate with all officers to meet these targets.
· The VP of Communication shall keep a record of the proceedings of all general and executive board meetings. Minutes shall be distributed to all board members at the next meeting and be posted on an established school based PTO bulletin board. The VP of Communication shall be in charge of the distribution of PTO emails and upkeep of all social media sites (including Facebook and PTO website).
· The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Organization and may disburse unbudgeted sums of up to one hundred ($100.00) with the authorization of the Co-Presidents. Any sum in excess of one hundred ($100.00) will be disbursed for its intended purpose by the treasurer pending board approval as voted on by a quorum of the executive board. The Treasurer shall keep all deposit and distributions records and have a report available at each Board meeting and to other members of the organization upon request.
· Vice President of Hospitality is responsible for ensuring staff and faculty are recognized on days of note throughout the year including Teacher Appreciation Week, Administrative Assistant's Day, Nurse's Day and School Lunch Superhero Day. This position will also coordinate efforts for faculty/staff on conference dates. The VP will also provide notice to families of district opportunities to highlight faculty staff such as the MFE Teacher of the Year event and liaison with the MFE Tucker board members.
· Vice President of Diversity, Equity & Engagement is responsible for increasing membership through direct collaboration and engagement with room parents, outreach at all school-wide events and as a direct liaison between the PTO and other established school based committees (Site Council, Diversity Committee, etc.). The VP will advance the positive community presence of Tucker School through partnership with external agencies (ex. Tucker Cares, local colleges and universities). The VP will highlight and advance the demographic diversity and economic equity in both established and new initiatives identified by the board.
· Vice President of Fifth Grade Affairs oversees the fifth grade committee in order to plan and executive fundraising, activities and the annual fifth grade celebration for students. The VP will collaborate with the principal and the fifth grade faculty team on all new and existing fifth grade activities to ensure they are tied to the mission and liaison with the VP of Diversity, Equity and Engagement to increase parent/guardian representation and support at all fifth grade events.
Offices shall be elected and assume office at the Annual Meeting in June, before the close of the academic school year. Officers shall serve for one year, with a 2 year limit per position. In the event there is not a successor identified positions may be extended with board approval.
1. The Executive Board, consisting of the PTO Officers, a teacher representative and the Principal and Vice Principal, shall manage the affairs of the Organization, and may exercise all powers not conferred upon the officers and membership in these Bylaws.
2. There shall be committees set at the beginning of each school year as needed and determined by the PTO Board. Each committee shall have one or two chairperson(s).
1. Officers shall be elected and assume office at the Annual Meeting in June, before the close of the school year. Officers shall serve for one year or until their successors are chosen. The person nominated for President must have served one full year on the Executive Board to be eligible for the office of President. In the event of Co-Presidents, at least one of them must have served on the Executive Board for one year.
2. During the month of April a communication notice shall be given of elections for new Board officers and solicitations for nominations. Interested parent/guardians will identify themselves for nomination in May. If the number of those interested in nomination exceeds the number of available offices the general PTO membership will hold an election in June. Those nominated/elected into office shall be presented to the Board prior to the June Board meeting.
3. In September of each school year, the faculty/staff will be provided the opportunity to identify themselves for participation in the board. If the number of those interested in participation exceeds space on the board the faculty/staff may discuss and select among themselves their own representative to serve in collaboration with the principal. Such representation may also be on a monthly rotating basis if the faculty/staff so choose. The names of the fculty/staff selected will be presented to the Board at the general membership meeting of the Organization in September.
Executive Board:
1. The Executive Board shall designate the place, date, and time of each executive board meeting.
2. At any executive board meeting there must be a quorum in order for voting to occur. Eight (8) or more members of the board present and voting constitute quorum for the purpose of voting.
3. The following shall be the order of business at the Board meetings.
· Approve minutes of previous meeting.
· Principal’s Report
· Treasurer’s Report
· Business
· Other Business
General PTO Meeting:
1. General PTO meetings shall be held to conduct the business of the PTO. Meetings shall be held monthly during the school year or at the discretion of the Executive Board at the school site.
· Notice of all general membership meetings of the Organization shall be sent out in all PTO email communications and posted on any PTO website and social media outlets currently active.
· The Annual meeting of the Organization shall be held in May prior to the end of the school year.
· In the event of general PTO membership voting each member in attendance at a PTO meeting/election is eligible to vote, one vote per household. Voting may occur for elections and when general consensus is requested by the PTO.
These bylaws must be reviewed at least every three years by a bylaw committee appointed by the Executive Board and re-approved by a vote at a general PTO meeting. These Bylaws may be amended by the executive board at any meeting of the Organization by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those present, provided notice is given in the announcement prior to the meeting.
In the event of dissolution, all of the remaining assets and property of the organization shall after payment of necessary expenses thereof be distributed to Tucker School or to such organization as shall qualify under Section 501 © (3) of the Internal Revenue Codes of 1986, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent provisions of any subsequent Federal Tax Law, or to the Federal government or State or local government for a public purpose, subject to the approval of a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Massachusetts.
Article XI
Tax Provisions
In any taxable year in which the organization is a private foundation as described in IRC 509 (a), the organization shall distribute its income for said period at such time and manner as not to subject it to tax under IRC 4942, and the organization shall not (a) engage in any act of self-dealing as defined in IRC 4941 (d), (b) retain any excess business holdings as defined in IRC 4943 (c), (c) make any investments in such a manner as to subject the organization to tax under IRC 4944, or (d) make any taxable expenditures as defined in IRC 4945 (d) or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal Tax Laws.